decorative fence造句

"decorative fence"是什么意思   


  1. Decorative fencing was popular until the mid-1930s.
  2. Decorative fencing is beautiful to look at and increases the value of your home.
  3. The Dayton's Bluff Community Council raised funds and placed decorative fences around the mounds as a protection from visitors.
  4. They are used for handling livestock, as decorative fencing, for steeplechasing and in the track and field event of hurdling.
  5. Q . I am having a decorative fence made with red cedar, but the builder wants to make the balusters of ash.
  6. It's difficult to find decorative fence in a sentence. 用decorative fence造句挺难的
  7. Privacy fences are still very popular, but various styles of decorative fencing that is open to light and air may be catching up.
  8. West Palm Beach Mayor Joel Daves helped dedicate the site, where plans eventually call for a 4-foot high decorative fence and landscaping.
  9. A decorative fence with concrete pillars and metal palisade panels is located on the boundary with The Strand and along Fryer Street to St Joseph's Church.
  10. There are also decorative fences around graves, or around local monuments for example to mining disasters or other calamities .-- talk ) 10 : 14, 26 March 2014 ( UTC)
  11. The architectural style was understated elegant conventional skylight ( double-glazed for minimising heat transfer ) and featured three airy floors of shopping with a narrow open-floor gallery ( made safe via decorative fencing ).
  12. In particular Kyeewa's setting on a large piece of sloping land well back from the street, its mature gardens and decorative fence together with the frontage of the house contribute highly to its aesthetic significance.
  13. By the 1980s the timber industry was reduced to two small specialty mills ( lath and decorative fencing ), the sheep industry to four working ranches of modest size, and the apple industry to a small fraction of its former planted area.
  14. Buyers with young children usually prefer space devoted to recreation rather than garden features if the property is small, said Carol Brenner of Carol Brenner Realty in Newton, Mass . She suggests vertical landscape accents : " Decorative fencing for privacy and aesthetic purposes always pays dividends no matter what size lot you have.


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  7. "decorative finish"造句
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  9. "decorative finishing"造句
  10. "decorative fittings"造句

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